Schimana, Elisabeth; Wilson, Rebekah; Ujvary, Liesl; Cotton, Ann; Reiter, Ushi: Resonating Memory Traces [performances]

Schimana, Elisabeth; Wilson, Rebekah; Ujvary, Liesl; Cotton, Ann; Reiter, Ushi: Resonating Memory Traces [performances]

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Title Resonating Memory Traces [performances]
Type Music, Performance, Sound performance, Audio-visual performance
Date 6 October 2006
City of production Ljubljana, Slovenia
Production City of Women
Co-production IMA & LTNC-Lady Tigers Night Club, Avstrija
Format 720x576 pxl
Duration 15' 09"
URL Mesto žensk
Registration number CoW-2006-PERF-775
Number of works in a group 2



Composition and electronics: Elisabeth Schimana
Flute: Cordula Bösze
Terpsitone: Elena Golovasheva
4:3 is a resonating memory tracing the 1930s experiments of Mary Ellen Bute in Lev Theremin’s New York studio which investigated the concept and technical potentials of connecting light and sound and the possibilities that one could be used to directly control and influence the other.


A History of Mapmaking
or Aerial Photography and 31 Variations on a Cartographer’s Theme
Composed and performed by Rebekah Wilson
Rebekah Wilson utilised the amplified and manipulated sound of a live cello, the sounds and gestures of which provide triggers for digital audio events.


Talking without Language and Speaking without Words
Composed and performed by Liesl Ujvary and Ann Cotton
Two writers make an attempt to communicate without language. Liesl Ujvary is already creating direct, poignant, and non-verbal compositions, which sketch a panorama of the human condition. Both she and Ann Cotton remain in a familiar domain, but for this event they operated with new and different tools...
The theremin functions as a kind of ‘speaking instrument’, an attribute that all newcomers to it explore with great curiosity and experimental verve. In addition, Liesl Ujvary and Ann Cotton used a Kaosspad and a laptop to filter the theremin’s sounds in different ways.


IMA Salon Chill Out
Turntable improvisations by Ushi Reiter and live visuals by Starsky
Scratching records, placing the needle in the groove, scraps of sound all conjoin into a dialogue with static soundwaves and space. The performance starts with material that picks up from sound material of the 20th century produced exclusively by women. In addition to searching through net archives for this purpose, the work of contemporary sound producers will also play a key role. Vinyl records will be produced especially for the performance.”  (Ushi Reiter)


Source: City of Women

Artist, artistic group

Schimana, Elisabeth Wilson, Rebekah Ujvary, Liesl Cotton, Ann Reiter, Ushi

Group of artworks



IMA & LTNC-Lady Tigers Night Club, Avstrija